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DEX Conference Explorations

Explorations I researched and created for Sentry's first developer conference.
Ended up going with a different theme, but still enjoyed what I learned and experimented with here.

DEX Branding

For the exploration of DEX branding, I lead several meetings with stakeholders and leadership through several rounds of visual exploration. As a team we came up with four overarching themes and landed on two direction in particular: Infinite Possibilities and Living Machines. 


I was responsible for exploring Infinite Possibilities. With this theme we wanted to approach the conference as a future-forward meeting ground where unexpected combinations could come from breaking things or seeing things from a different angle. Visuals that jumpstarted this theme included kaleidoscopes, stained glass, refracted glass art and more.

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Earlier Concepts

I started off exploring the idea of symmetry and reflection, with some flat explorations of rotation, grid and kaleidoscope patterns as well. Eventually I made my way to juxtaposed gradients which alluded to light refraction the most to me.

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Proposed Direction 1

I ultimately landed with three directions under this theme. Each one building a bit on reflection and refraction.The first one here fed off the idea of prisms and halves to a whole, representing refracted light.

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Direction 2

Direction two came from a blend between a kaleidoscope and a 3d isometric video of a prism. The arrows represent the x, y and z axis as anchoring points for reflection.

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Direction 3

Direction three narrowed in on a singular point of reflection. The dark pieces become illuminated over the line, the light pieces cast a shadow on the other side. It's with this direction I also found the word DEX to have perfect vertical reflecting symmetry.

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Logo Exploration

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